The Coalition to Free the UC!

In May 2007, 10 members of the Coalition announced a 9-day hunger strike against UC’s involvement with Nuclear Weapons. Students have delivered a letter to UC Berkeley Chancellor Birgeneau. (read more on our news page)

The problem: The University of California is out of control! Learn more about UC’s numerous problems of injustice, including the sale of its integrity to British Petroleum, its development of nuclear weapons, and denial of equitable wages to custodial workers. (read more)

we seek to transform the University of California

from an Imperial Institution into a People’s University

past event: Wed. Feb 27, 7pm

145 Dwinelle

The Rebirth of the University of California From Imperial University to People’s University

a teach-in & forum

featuring Gray Brechin

author, Imperial San Francisco

plus speakers from:

Tuition Relief Now,

Berkeley Stop the War,

BAMN, Berkeley NOW,

Fiat Pax, Stop BP-Berkeley, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal,

Students for Justice in Palestine, Students Organizing for Justice in the Americas,

Save the Oaks, Third World Liberation Front and more!